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2020 AFPC Candidate Survey


We asked candidates the following six questions. Click below to explore their responses.

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  1. Food security is defined by the USDA as "access by all people at all times to enough food for an active, healthy life." What is a food security concern in your community and how has the global pandemic and current focus on systemic racism in America changed your thinking about food security in Alaska?

  2. Alaska imports roughly 95% of purchased food (about $2 billion not staying in the local economy) and on average, Alaskan communities have a 3-5 day supply of food on hand. What do you see as the best way the State of Alaska could support increased production in the state?

  3. US food production has long been supported by federal and state agencies, for example, Division of Agriculture and Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute are two of AK's supporting entities. What Alaskan programs do you find valuable and what could be improved?

  4. According to the Union of Concerned Scientists, improving our diets by eating more fruits and vegetables could save 100,000 lives and $17 billion in healthcare costs. At the same time, roughly 1 in 7 Alaskans struggle with food insecurity, including 1 in 5 kids (Map the Meal Gap). The Food Bank of Alaska has reported a 75% increase in demand for food assistance during the COVID19 pandemic. What would you do to ensure that every Alaskan has access to food that is reliable, sustainable, safe, healthy, and affordable?

  5. Alaska has no central food storage facilities due to the remote and distributed nature of Alaska’s communities. How do you think the state could invest in food systems infrastructure, such as processing and cold storage? *Everyone views food security through different lenses.

  6. Are there other issues, statewide or within your own community, about food security that concern you and how do you plan to address these issues if elected?


Alaska Division of Elections

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The Alaska Food Policy Council is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. We do not endorse specific candidates or political parties. Every candidate was provided with the opportunity to complete this survey so that we may share their views on various Alaska food system issues. Please check back regularly if you don’t see a candidate’s response- we will add more responses as they are sent in.